14 Day Weather Forecast for FK13HD - Netweather.tv (2024)

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"+df(jjx);}else{var inc=1;if (exts[row] % 3 ==0){inc=3;} to=df(hx)+"


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"; hx="te"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=temp;var cl=getriskcol(eprecchance); hx="pr"+row; var eprecchance='


"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=eprecchance; var wo=""; wo=windspeeda+"mph"; var hold=windwords(winddira); var holdb=new Array(); holdb=hold.split(","); var windout='

14 Day Weather Forecast for FK13HD - Netweather.tv (2)

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"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=cloudcovera;hx="co"+row;var conf=getconfidence(precs,cloudcovers,temps,windspeeds,airpressures);var cl=getriskcol(conf);document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML='


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Remnants of Ernesto to bring midweek heavy rain and strong winds
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14 Day Weather Forecast for FK13HD - Netweather.tv (6)

Weather Forecast Info

The 14 day forecasts are updated four times a day and use our in house and use the GEFS ensembles to give a probablistic forecast and confidence levels, as at the 7-14 day range, the weather can change quite considerably.

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14 Day Weather Forecast for FK13HD - Netweather.tv (7)

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14 Day Weather Forecast for FK13HD - Netweather.tv (2024)


How accurate are 14-day weather forecasts? ›

The Short Answer:

A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the weather approximately 90 percent of the time. However, a 10-day—or longer—forecast is only right about half the time.

Who has the most accurate rain forecast? ›

Powered by proprietary GRAF technology (Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting), The Weather Company is The World's Most Accurate Forecaster1 and a trusted weather partner for people and businesses everywhere.

What is the weather forecast site in the UK? ›

Real Weather is the leader in providing honest and accurate weather forecasts across a huge variety of sectors. From free weather information, to providing data and bespoke weather for farming, energy, transport, education, councils and more.

What weather model does NetWeather use? ›

The ensemble forecasts, data, graphs and maps you see on netweather are taken from the Global Ensemble forecast model made and run by the NOAA. (the US weather office)This data model runs four times a day at 00.00, 06.00, 12.00 and 18.00 covering the entire globe.

How accurate is AccuWeather 2 weeks? ›

Peer-reviewed research has concluded the practical limit to forecasting specifics is on the order of eight to 10 days. So how did AccuWeather's forecasts weeks and months into the future do? They were about half right.

Which weather app is most accurate? ›

  • AccuWeather. AccuWeather has comprehensive planning features that use weather data to help you manage allergies, safely drive, or boost productivity. ...
  • The Weather Channel. The Weather Channel's app is slick and capable. ...
  • Weather Underground. ...
  • What The Forecast. ...
  • Yahoo Weather. ...
  • Carrot Weather. ...
  • WeatherBug. ...
  • FlowX.

Which is better, AccuWeather or weather Channel? ›

After analyzing the data, it was concluded that AccuWeather produced the most accurate weather forecasts.

What percentage of AccuWeather is accurate? ›

In the study, AccuWeather high-temperature forecasts beat the average of all other sources tested by 2.6 percent and bested the average of all other sources examined by 2.7 percent in low-temperature forecast accuracy.

Is there ever a 100% chance of rain? ›

It is not possible for the probability of rain for tomorrow to be exactly 100%, since there is a non-zero probability that the Earth could be destroyed today. But, 99% would imply the chance is less than 99.5%, and would be wrong if the chances were 99.9%.

What is the most correct weather site? ›

Top 15 Weather Websites with Accurate Forecast
  • BBC Weather.
  • Met Office.
  • Weather Spark.
  • AccuWeather.
  • Weather.com.
  • TimeandDate.
  • Windy.
  • WeatherBug.
Mar 27, 2024

Where's the best weather today? ›

Today and tomorrow

The sunshine most prolonged in the southeast, helping it to feel warm. A few showers in the west, and breezy for northwest Scotland, making it feel a little cooler here.

Where in the US has weather like the UK? ›

Portland, OR, Nestled in the Pacific Northwest, Portland, Oregon, is a haven for those seeking a climate similar to the UK's. The city is known for its rainy, cold winters, with typical highs in January in the pleasant 40s (about 7°C), which are ideal for warm evenings spent by the fireplace sipping a cup of cocoa.

How accurate is NetWeather? ›

Their forecasts are all derived from national weather service and ECMWF information. You will not get any better forecasts From them. Recently, I saw a claim that every 2 hours they were updating forecasts for the next 10 days. The best source of extended forecasts is ECMWF.

Who has the most accurate weather model? ›

Global models with worldwide weather forecasts

The ECMWF is generally considered to be the most accurate global model, with the US's GFS slightly behind.

Which weather model is usually correct? ›

ECMWF. The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model is another global numerical weather prediction model that is highly regarded for its accuracy. It employs advanced data assimilation techniques and sophisticated numerical algorithms to simulate atmospheric processes.

How accurate is a 1 week forecast? ›

The more days in advance the forecast, the more likely it is that the weather will change. How accurate is weather a week out? The success rate for seven-day forecasts is below 80%.

How accurate is a 45 day forecast? ›

An assessment from the Post determined that the 45-day forecasts were not even able to predict trends accurately, and that, although the forecasts did not decrease in accuracy with time, the forecasts were so far off even in the short range as to be useless.

What does 40 chance of rain mean? ›

If a forecast for a given county says that there is a 40% chance of rain this afternoon, then there is a 40% chance of rain at any point in the county from noon to 6 p.m. local time. This point probability of precipitation is predetermined and arrived at by the forecaster by.

Are 10 day forecasts accurate on Reddit? ›

10-14 day forecasts are typically reasonably accurate depending on the model and local complications. A climate prediction might be okay past a week. Weather prediction, on the other hand, is not accurate at all past 7 days and is unlikely to improve.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 6078

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.