The Prophet Obblonge - Touching An Image Lyrics (2025)

The Prophet Obblonge

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The Prophet Obblonge

Erupting with preaching performances, The Prophet Obblonge explains, proclaims, transmutes, and delivers clarity to the masses for their edification and to bring awareness to the still uncertain fate of his beloved fiancé, last seen with a white supremacist narcissistic abuser in Michigan.Fans of horror fiction, true life drama, comedy, and pointed social commentary alike find Obblonge’s insightful, exasperated gospel to be an invigorating, motivating experience presented without fear of reproach or regret.What’s your problem? Issues resolved. Crises averted. Wonders explained. Be amazed. Lost? Depressed? Questions? The answers are waiting….Everything is the repetition offa pattern. Everything. You can pretend you have free will. You can pretend you hav… more »


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Touching an image and expecting it to respond in some way is now something more than oneGeneration has been born intoKallisti's first tablet was a 10-inch Acer, acquired via barterIt was my entrance into the realm of tablet and stupid smartphone rebuildingThis particular model happened to be constructed more robustly than most any of the currentModels, much like laptops birthed with XP, thick and injurious to bare toesKallisti was fourHer mother abandoned us a year and a half priorMy little blue-eyed girl barely spoke and was still wearing diapersA long process of specialist appointments that would culminate with a five-hour batteryOf tests, performed by four separate disciplined PhDs, had begunEventual Diagnosis AutismEven though her maternal grandfather, aunt, and half-brother lived next door, they wouldNot watch her for any length of timeI was renting out rooms of my three-bedroom, two-bath mobile homeMy aunt, who lives two hours or so away, would take me to Sam's Club and tell me to fillUp a cart when she was in townOver the years, guests observed that my computer was always on, being used and functionalComputrons accumulated quickly, along with anything else that electrons get directedThroughHaving no spouse nor parents, siblings nor grands, it was just little girl and meThe window to the world in question was actually the first tablet I had used as well, havingRecently graduated to a touchscreen phoneI loaded it up with apps that were recommended for autistics and other educational flashesOf light firstArt stuff, drawing and painting, then some actual games, a Super Mario knockoff beingThe only one I can recall at the momentDownloaded pictures of My Little Pony and Hello KittyOn this model, individual apps were lockable, so after adjusting the settings I did justThat, entering a four-digit lock code for about ten of the built-in features I thoughtWould be easier if she left alone for the momentWhen I first presented it, I turned it on in front of her, waited for it to load andDemonstrated that what was on the screen responded to a tactile inputChanging the cover screen image was part of the larger settings, so I unlocked them andShowed her the options she had to choose fromI started the Super Mario knockoff and explained what I was doing for no more than five secondsThen I kissed her on the forehead and left the room, dishes and laundry always callingWhen I returned an hour later to check on her, my darling little girl had gone downThe list and unlocked, separately, every one of the locked featuresThe cover image and lock screen were also changedShe had visited the Google Play Store and downloaded more games, and was happy, as alwaysI kept her logged into my account on YouTube, otherwise Google would mandatorily censorHer viewing because of her ageThat is one of the duties of the parent, to answer questions arising from confusing informationUp until three weeks after her ninth birthday, Kallisti was able to experience empathyTo understand what was being presented to her in even a cartoon dramatic performanceAnd respond as a person who cared about others wouldShe would grow to love Minecraft and Five Nights at Freddy'sI still sleep on sheets and under a bedspread adorned with those charactersDaddy loves the horror genre, and one day when I was viewing a flick called 13 EerieShe ran into the room and observed a woman getting her fingers eaten by a zombieShe looked down at her own hand, back up at the screen, and down at her own hand beforeRunning away laughingFrom that point on, I would pretend I was a zombie, much to her amusementBoth franchises have an enormous fan followingMusic was always playing in our house, very rarely televisionShe had her own powered monitor speakers and was looking forward to her first subwooferThe Living Tombstones, I Hope You Die in a Fire, and lots of Minecraft related songsWere her favorites when I saw her lastThree weeks after her ninth birthday, Child Protective Services ripped her under threatOf gunpoint and execution from her homeFor a solid year, I was allowed one hour a week, then one every two weeks, then nothingHalf of those visitations were on the Zoom app due to COVIDThe first time I saw her after putting her on the bus and never getting her off againShe was visibly broken, like I wasDeep dark circles under her red eyes, oily skin and hair, far more acne than usual, persistentCough and nasal drainageIt took me half an hour to get her to weakly smileWe spent all of our lifetime together in each other's arms, comforting as best as possibleWhen surrounded by monsters, caricatures of humanity with heavily painted funhouse facesRegurgitating lies incessantlyOn the screen, viewing with the Zoom app, her prison cell in April 2's New BraunfelsHouse was stark, barren of personalityNeutral painted walls devoid of decoration, like those of a private mental institutionBarely a bed which she was placed centrally framed on, none of her toys or belongingsPresent, prodded by her teachers, her purchasers, to stumble through unfamiliar booksThe speakers emitted no sound the first video visitation so she couldn't hear her fatherVisibly disturbing both of usA house where singing and spinning and dancing and happiness is forbidden and crushed likeCigarettes, fire extinguishedShe was removed from my custody on her 10th birthday, most certainly as a demonstrationOf smug powerThey had coincidentally removed our visitations on my birthday months beforeThe only reason being given was my refusal to voluntarily submit her to, again, non-mandatoryBehavioral training at Bluebonnet Trails, the same institution that in my childhoodI had been issued experimental mind-altering prescriptions and been illegally funneledInto a private psychiatric care facility fromThat was common at the time, probably still isAbout a year ago, I was charging my phone behind a vending machine in front of WalmartIn CiboloWiederstein Elementary is across the streetMoving to Texas in the middle of 4th grade, I spent the rest of that school year at aDifferent building labeled the same thingMy daughter was sitting in a shopping cart next to a 4-door sedan in the parking lotTwo women I did not recognize were loading parcels into the trunk when I spotted themKallisti was drooping in the shopping cart, staring expressionless downward, behind barsIn a literal and figurative senseI called her name and started towards her, having to wait for trafficOne of the women picked her up and threw her into the back seat, taking care to physicallyBlock her viewThe vehicle spun tires, leaving the parking spaceKallisti Aeon McKenzie will be 11 years old on September 2nd

Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer

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The Prophet Obblonge - Touching An Image Lyrics (2025)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.